This dataset provides details on all parking and vehicle compliance tickets issued in Chicago from January 1, 1996 to May 14, 2018. It also includes camera ticket data issued in Chicago from November 1, 2003 to May 3, 2018.
ProPublica Illinois, in collaboration with WBEZ, used this dataset to report on city sticker tickets, which come with the steepest fines of any parking citation and are the largest source of ticket debt in Chicago.
The data includes information on when, where, and by whom tickets were issued; de-identified license plates; vehicle make; registration zip code; the violation for which the vehicle was cited; the payment status and more. ProPublica Illinois has also added block-level address information to the location where a ticket was issued.
The City of Chicago has said that an official data dictionary does not exist. Through interviews with finance department officials and other reporting, we have compiled our own version, which is included with the download.
Provided in collaboration with WBEZ