
The Policy and Politics of Guns in America

We’re investigating the policy, politics and players around guns in America.

How Much Could Obama’s Gun Moves Affect Gun Violence? Nobody Knows.

Will simply explaining current law more clearly help save lives?

Why Counting Mass Shootings is a Bad Way to Understand Gun Violence in America

It glosses over the broader reality of who is most at risk of being murdered with guns.

The Best Reporting on PTSD in Children Exposed to Violence

What happens to children and teenagers exposed to violence in their own neighborhoods.

The Hidden Cost of Gun Violence: Meet a Mother and Her 7-Year-Old With PTSD

Thousands of Americans in high-violence neighborhoods have developed post-traumatic stress. 24-year-old Aireana and her children are among the few who've been able to get treatment.

Myth vs. Fact: Violence and Mental Health

A Q&A with an expert who studies the relationship between mental illness and violence.

Where Do the Guns Traced in Your State Come From?

Nearly a third of the 155,000 guns officials recovered in 2012 were traced back to sources outside the state they were found in, according to data compiled by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Use this tool to see firearms traces in each state that year.

The Best Reporting on Guns in America

In the wake of last week’s shooting, we’ve laid out the most revealing reporting about guns.

Democrats Push to Restart CDC Funding for Gun Violence Research

New legislation would increase CDC funding for gun violence research from zero dollars to $10 million. The NRA calls the push “unethical” and an “abuse of taxpayer funds.”

Why Don’t We Know How Many People Are Shot Each Year in America?

Has nonfatal gun violence increased or decreased over the past 10 years? No one really knows.

Meet the Doctor Who Gave $1 Million of His Own Money to Keep His Gun Research Going

Since Congress pressured the CDC to stop funding research on gun violence, Dr. Garen Wintemute has donated more than $1.1 million of his own money to keep his research going.

Republicans Say No to CDC Gun Violence Research

Giving the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention money for gun violence research is a “request to fund propaganda,” a Georgia congressman says.

Why Hospitals Are Failing Civilians Who Get PTSD

More than 20 percent of civilians with traumatic injuries may develop PTSD. Trauma surgeons explain why many hospitals aren’t doing anything about it.

The PTSD Crisis That’s Being Ignored: Americans Wounded in Their Own Neighborhoods

Americans in violent neighborhoods are developing PTSD at rates similar to combat veterans. Why aren’t hospitals screening them? It costs money.

Now, You Can't Ban Guns at the Public Pool

In a decades-long campaign to deny cities the power to regulate guns, even the smallest local rules are now coming under attack.

Kansas Gov. Insists it’s OK to Ignore Federal Gun Laws

Gov. Brownback tells Attorney General Holder to respect the “sovereign will” of Kansas, which passed a law that makes enforcing federal gun laws a crime. Gov. Brownback tells Attorney General Holder to respect the “sovereign will” of Kansas, which passed a law that makes enforcing federal gun laws a crime.

Nullification: How States Are Making It a Felony to Enforce Federal Gun Laws

The NRA has remained quiet while legislation to nullify federal gun laws has been introduced in dozens of states.

Where Congress Stands on Guns

Four months after the Newtown tragedy, the Senate resoundingly defeats gun control legislation. We break down how Senators voted on the bill.

What Researchers Learned About Gun Violence Before Congress Killed Funding

We spoke with the scientist who led the government's research on guns.

How the NRA Undermined Congress' Last Push for Gun Control

We reconstruct how the NRA advanced two measures long on its agenda in the wake of the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting.

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