Inside the Border Patrol

Enforcing Trump’s Crackdown

The Border Patrol is the nation’s largest law enforcement agency, with some 20,000 members. But even as its power grows, it has largely evaded close scrutiny.

House Committee to Subpoena Records on Discipline Related to Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group

Rep. Carolyn Maloney says Customs and Border Protection won’t turn over records identifying agents disciplined or fired for their offensive posts

After a Year of Investigation, the Border Patrol Has Little to Say About Agents’ Misogynistic and Racist Facebook Group

The Border Patrol vowed a full accounting after ProPublica revealed hateful posts in the private Facebook group. Now congressional investigators say the agency is blocking them and revealing little about its internal investigation.

The FBI Is Investigating Massive Embezzlement of Border Patrol Union Funds

The head of the powerful union representing border patrol agents nationwide said the FBI is working to identify who stole some $500,000 out of the coffers of the El Paso local. The theft raises more questions about lawlessness in the union’s ranks.

A Group of Agents Rose Through the Ranks to Lead the Border Patrol. They’re Leaving It in Crisis.

How several agents from a small outpost in Arizona, including recently retired chief Carla Provost, climbed to the top of the Border Patrol, then one by one retired, leaving corruption, misconduct and a toxic culture in their wake.

Border Patrol Officials Dodged Congress’ Questions About Migrant Children’s Deaths

The chair of a House Homeland Security subcommittee reprimanded Border Patrol officials for concealing information about migrant children’s deaths. Officials did not respond to the chairwoman's criticism.

Six Children Died in Border Patrol Care. Democrats in Congress Want to Know Why.

Video obtained by ProPublica contradicted the Border Patrol’s account of 16-year-old Carlos Gregorio Hernandez Vasquez’s death. Now, House Democrats are pressuring the agency to explain why six migrant children died under its care in less than a year.

Balancing the Public Interest and a Family’s Grief

ProPublica published a video last week showing the final hours of a 16-year-old migrant who died in Border Patrol custody. The family said they should have been given a chance to see the video before it appeared. They have a point.

Dentro de la celda donde murió el adolescente guatemalteco bajo custodia de la Patrulla Fronteriza

El video obtenido por ProPublica muestra que la Patrulla Fronteriza detuvo a un adolescente enfermo en una celda sin la atención médica adecuada y no descubrió su cuerpo hasta que su compañero de celda alertó a los guardias. Las imágenes no coinciden con la historia de la Patrulla Fronteriza de su muerte.

Carlos’ Family Objects to Publication of Video Detailing His Death

In response, ProPublica apologized to the family for the pain caused by the release of the video. ProPublica also said the video, which shows the Border Patrol’s treatment of the boy, is essential for the public to understand the government’s actions.

Inside the Cell Where a Sick 16-Year-Old Boy Died in Border Patrol Care

Video obtained by ProPublica shows the Border Patrol held a sick teen in a concrete cell without proper medical attention and did not discover his body until his cellmate alerted guards. The video doesn’t match the Border Patrol's account of his death.

New Video Shows Border Patrol Account of Child’s Death Was Not True

Video obtained by ProPublica shows the Border Patrol held a sick teen in a concrete cell without proper medical attention and did not discover his body until his cellmate alerted guards. The video doesn’t match the Border Patrol's account of his death.

Border Agents Can Now Get Classified Intelligence Information. Experts Call That Dangerous.

The Trump administration is creating a center that will give immigration agents access to information from U.S. intelligence agencies. Migrants and others denied entry will be unable to see the evidence against them because it is classified.

El caso que hizo que una exabogada de ICE se diera cuenta de que el gobierno se estaba basando en “pruebas” falsas contra los migrantes

Años después de renunciar a su empleo como abogada del Departamento de Inmigración y Aduanas, Laura Peña regresó a la lucha, pero esta vez en defensa de los migrantes a quienes solía procesar. Fue entonces que un desconcertante caso de separación de una familia la obligó a analizar todo lo que había aprendido.

“Dirtbag,” “Savages,” “Subhuman”: A Border Agent’s Hateful Career and the Crime That Finally Ended It

Border Patrol agent Matthew Bowen had been investigated for years before he used his 4,000-pound truck to assault a fleeing migrant.

The Case That Made an Ex-ICE Attorney Realize the Government Was Relying on False “Evidence” Against Migrants

Years after quitting her job as an attorney for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Laura Peña returned to the fight — defending migrants she’d once prosecuted. Then, a perplexing family separation case forced her to call upon everything she’d learned.

Un agente de la Patrulla Fronteriza revela la realidad de ser guardia de niños migrantes

Con la agencia siendo blanco de críticas por mantener a niños detenidos en condiciones deplorables, y por los comentarios racistas y misóginos publicados en Facebook, uno de sus agentes habla de cómo es realmente desempeñar su trabajo. “En algún momento la gente solo comenzó a aceptar lo que está sucediendo como una cosa normal”.

A Border Patrol Agent Reveals What It’s Really Like to Guard Migrant Children

With the agency under fire for holding children in deplorable conditions and over racist and misogynistic Facebook posts, one agent speaks about what it’s like to do his job. “Somewhere down the line people just accepted what’s going on as normal.”

Revelations About a Secret Facebook Group Spawn Investigation of 70 Current and Former Border Patrol Employees

Top officials with Customs and Border Protection said the investigation was prompted by revelations that agents had posted racist and misogynistic Facebook memes. But they declined to say whether any top officials have been suspended from duty.

Border Patrol Official Circulates Article That Deems Our Reporting on Secret Facebook Group a Threat

An official who directs a Border Patrol intelligence gathering center sent the article to all top intelligence officials and field offices. The article directly attacks a ProPublica reporter who revealed that agents were posting anti-migrant and misogynistic memes in group for current and former agents.

Border Patrol Agents Are Passing Around A Commemorative Coin Mocking Care for Migrant Kids

The coin declares “KEEP THE CARAVANS COMING” under an image of a parade of migrants crossing the border.

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