Lucas Waldron

Graphics Editor

Photo of Lucas Waldron

Lucas Waldron is a graphics editor. Previously, he was a visual investigations producer on ProPublica’s video team.

Waldron’s work includes creating data visualizations, animations and motion graphics for ProPublica stories. He has also co-reported stories on issues related to transgender and nonbinary communities.

Waldron is a graduate of UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism. Previously, he worked at KQED and The New York Times.

Planta de esterilización de equipo médico contamina con sustancias cancerígenas a decenas de miles de alumnos

Nadie le dijo a la familia de Yaneli Ortiz que la fábrica cerca de la que vivían emitía óxido de etileno. No les dijeron cuando en la EPA se descubrió que causa cáncer. Tampoco cuando le diagnosticaron leucemia.

A Plant That Sterilizes Medical Equipment Spews Cancer-Causing Pollution on Tens of Thousands of Schoolchildren

Nobody told Yaneli Ortiz’s family that the factory they lived near emitted ethylene oxide. Not when the EPA found it causes cancer. Not when she was diagnosed with leukemia. And not when Texas moved to allow polluters to emit more of the chemical.

Still Can’t Breathe

How NYPD officers continue to use chokeholds — which can be deadly and are explicitly prohibited by the department — on civilians, while officers with substantiated claims of abuse go without any meaningful punishment.

“Where They Countin’ the Votes?!”: New Video Details Tense Moments as Capitol Mob Sought Out Lawmakers

New video, found in an archive of data uploaded to Parler, includes a fresh look at the mob’s confrontation with Eugene Goodman, the officer credited for luring rioters away from senators during the early moments of the Capitol riot.

The NYPD Said the Killing of Kawaski Trawick “Appears to Be Justified.” Video Shows Officers Escalated the Situation.

Footage shows the killing of the 32-year-old Black man in his home by a white officer — over the objections of his Black, more-experienced partner. Both officers are still on duty.

Climate Change Will Make Parts of the U.S. Uninhabitable. Americans Are Still Moving There.

Instead of moving away from areas in climate crisis, Americans are flocking to them. As land in places like Phoenix, Houston and Miami becomes less habitable, the country’s migration patterns will be forced to change.

How the Climate Crisis Will Force A Massive American Migration

The climate crisis will profoundly interrupt the way we live and farm in the United States. Extreme heat, massive floods and more fires may force millions of people to move — and millions may be left behind.

We Tracked What Happens to Police After They Use Force on Protesters

These 68 videos show clear apparent instances of police officers escalating violence during protests. Here’s what we learned about each case.

We Reviewed Police Tactics Seen in Nearly 400 Protest Videos. Here’s What We Found.

We asked experts to watch videos showing officers using tear gas, pepper balls and explosives on protesters. Police actions often escalated confrontations.

“Alguien tiene que ayudarme”

Phillip García estaba en crisis psiquiátrica. En la cárcel y en el hospital, los guardias respondieron con fuerza y mantuvieron atado al interno de 51 años durante casi 20 horas, hasta que murió. Advertencia: material con imágenes explícitas.

“Somebody’s Gotta Help Me”

Phillip Garcia was in psychiatric crisis. In jail and in the hospital, guards responded with force and restrained the 51-year-old inmate for almost 20 hours, until he died. Warning: graphic video content.

Deadly Restraint: How a Man in Psychiatric Crisis Died in Custody

Video shows that deputies used violent force against Phillip Garcia and lied about their treatment of him in reports.

Why You Can’t Always Trust Your Coronavirus Antibody Test Results

In some situations, antibody tests generate more false positives than real ones. It’s because of math.

Seattle Allowed 33,000 Fans to Attend a Soccer Game as COVID-19 Cases Increased

Hundreds of pages of emails show officials debating how seriously to take the spreading virus.

Why This Coronavirus Is Not Like the Flu, or Even the Swine Flu

COVID-19 is unlike anything in our lifetime. But the president has repeatedly compared it to the H1N1 swine flu outbreak of 2009. Here's why it's different, and much more dangerous.

How Quickly Hospitals Could Fill Up if We Don’t Slow Coronavirus Down

How soon regions run out of hospital beds depends on how fast the novel coronavirus spreads, and how many open beds they had to begin with.

Watch: Test Videos Reveal How Evenflo Put Children at Risk

There’s no government oversight of side-impact tests, so Evenflo made up its own and gave itself passing grades.

Adrift: How the Marine Corps Failed Squadron 242

Falling from 15,000 feet, two Marines hit the Pacific Ocean at 800 feet per minute. They were bruised and cold, their rescue equipment failed and help was hours away.

New Video Shows Border Patrol Account of Child’s Death Was Not True

Video obtained by ProPublica shows the Border Patrol held a sick teen in a concrete cell without proper medical attention and did not discover his body until his cellmate alerted guards. The video doesn’t match the Border Patrol's account of his death.

How We Identified the Frat Brothers Holding Guns in Front of an Emmett Till Memorial

We searched through property records, tips from Instagram users, and dozens of Instagram and Facebook photos and videos to figure out their names.

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