Nowhere to Go

New Mexico’s Troubled Foster Care System

New Mexico committed to reforming its child welfare system, but it’s leaving some of its most troubled foster teens without the help they need.

Child Welfare Experts Say New Mexico Can’t Put Kids in Homeless Shelters Just Because It Lacks Other Beds

An experts’ report found that New Mexico’s child welfare system has housed foster kids in homeless shelters and other inappropriate settings, corroborating an investigation by ProPublica and Searchlight New Mexico.

New Mexico Struggles to Follow Through on Promises to Reform Child Welfare System

Two and a half years after the state committed to reduce its reliance on emergency placements, it continues to leave some of its most troubled teens without the mental health services they need.

These Foster Kids Need Mental Health Care. New Mexico Is Putting Them in Homeless Shelters.

Youth crisis shelters aren’t set up to deal with foster youth who need intensive mental health treatment. When teens try to harm themselves or others, staff resort to calling 911.

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