Segregation Now

Investigating America’s racial divide in education, housing and beyond.

Investigating America’s racial divide in education, housing and beyond.

HUD Finally Stirs on Housing Discrimination

After decades of inaction, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has begun to move against two localities for allegedly violating the Fair Housing Act.

A Year Later, Feds Inch Forward on Fair Housing

As “This American Life” features ProPublica’s reporting on failures to enforce the Fair Housing Act, federal regulators have taken a few steps to improve it.

In Westchester, Progress on Housing and the Specter of Another Fight

The long, complicated, contentious fight over housing discrimination in New York’s Westchester County moved a step forward this week. But it’s far from over.

Housing Crisis: Widespread Discrimination; Little Taste for Enforcement

A nationwide survey by HUD reveals, again, that minorities face racism in the housing market. But HUD, again, chooses not to punish the offenders.

Feds Turn Up Heat on Westchester

The Department of Justice is prepared to go to court to seek contempt fines against Westchester County and its top official for failing to live up to a landmark fair housing deal.

Westchester County Could Lose Millions for Fair Housing Failures

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has given Westchester County one more month to comply with requirements of a fair housing settlement or risk losing $7.4 million in grants.

Audit: Blacks, Latinos Still Likely to Face Housing Bias in Whitest Parts of Westchester

Three years after Westchester County entered into a landmark desegregation settlement with the federal government, tests show that minority home seekers still face discrimination in many areas.

Disparate Impact and Fair Housing: Seven Cases You Should Know

Last week, the Obama administration formalized the legal standard it has used to enforce fair housing laws and hold banks accountable for discriminating against minorities. Here’s an overview of key cases from the foreclosure crisis.

No Sting: Feds Won't Go Undercover to Prove Housing Discrimination

African Americans and Latinos are turned away from homes and apartments millions of times annually because of their race, yet the federal government seldom uses undercover investigations, which are the most effective means of catching biased landlords and real estate agents.

Mapping Segregation in Westchester

ProPublica decided to evaluate race and income data for Westchester County to determine whether income alone accounts for the high degree of racial segregation experienced by African Americans there.

Soft on Segregation: How the Feds Failed to Integrate Westchester County

Despite a court order, HUD hasn't made wealthy Westchester County — home to President Clinton and Gov. Cuomo — remove barriers to African Americans and Latinos moving in.

Reading Guide: Segregation in America

What continues to drive housing segregation? What are the consequences? We rounded up some of the best reporting on the subject.

PubNotes: Key Takeaways From ProPublica’s Fair Housing Investigation

An overview of the U.S. government's many failed attempts to promote integrated housing since the Fair Housing Act was passed in 1968.

Have You Experienced Housing Discrimination? Share Your Story

Under the Fair Housing Act of 1968, the federal government was mandated to "affirmatively further" fair housing. Yet after more than four decades, residential segregation has remained virtually unchanged in many large cities. We want to hear from people who have experienced or know of housing discrimination.

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