When Caregivers Harm

America’s Unwatched Nurses

California nurses accused of serious wrongdoing have often been left free to practice for years while their cases were being investigated — with patients unaware of the danger. And the problem goes beyond California: Many health workers who are disciplined in one state simply move to another and start with a clean license.

California Adopts Stricter Rules for Drug Abusers in the Health Industry

Addressing concerns about health workers who abuse drugs, often stealing hem from patients, California will now require nurses, dentists and other health workers in state-run recovery programs to take at least 104 drug tests in their first year, and a single positive test will remove a worker, at least temporarily.

Sanctioned California Nurses Database

Search the California Board of Registered Nursing database for disciplinary procedures between 2002 and September 2009.

Spencer Sullivan: His Body a Prison

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