Politic-IL Insider

Analysis of Illinois’ Political Issues and Personalities

When it comes to politics, there’s nowhere like Illinois. Throughout the election season, ProPublica Illinois reporter and political junkie Mick Dumke will analyze the state’s political issues and personalities in this occasional column.

Chicago’s Gang Database Is Full of Errors — And Records We Have Prove It

Pushing 80 and still gangbanging?

Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan Builds Power From the Ground Up — And Sometimes From the Basement

A polling place in a Chicago home offers a view of the operation run by the state’s most powerful politician.

A Political Boss Goes Down

Cook County Assessor Joe Berrios, one of the last leaders of the old Democratic machine, loses the Democratic primary to a wealthy political newcomer.

Win or Lose in GOP Primary for Governor, Jeanne Ives Helps Push Illinois to the Right

Top donors, operatives abandon Rauner and put their money with conservative crusader.

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