Obamacare and You

The Rollout of the Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act, passed in 2010, is the most significant health care overhaul in a generation. It seeks to decrease the number of people without health insurance and reform industry business practices. But the law's rollout has been marred by glitches and political opposition. ProPublica’s Charles Ornstein has been tracking its implementation.

Sebelius Testifies: Four Things to Know About Today’s Obamacare Hearing

Among the proferred questions for HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius: Why has no one been fired?

Podcast: Why Is Healthcare.gov So Flawed?

The Affordable Care Act’s Most Important Date: Not What You Think

Forgotten amid the controversial health exchange rollout: The deep impact of last year’s Supreme Court ruling letting states opt out of expanding Medicaid.

Today’s Obamacare Hearing: What You Need To Know

A House committee focuses on what went wrong with the Healthcare.gov rollout and why. Here’s the backstory.

Healthcare.gov’s Users Speak Out: 'Clean This Mess Up'

Health and Human Services asked for comments about its website. It got them by the hundreds. Consumers and insurance agents say they were stymied, and one applicant said he and his wife were wrongly listed as incarcerated — then denied.

Is Healthcare.gov the Future? We Ask a Health Futurist

“The metaphor is the Wright Brothers, not the Indianapolis 500,” says Ian Morrison. “Let’s just get this sucker up in the air before we declare that flying is a bad idea.”

How the New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza Became a Mistaken Poster Boy for Obamacare

“It was the Twitter equivalent of blurbing a book using the one positive line from a review that actually trashed the book,” the Washington correspondent says.

A Tale of Two Obamacares: Which Is Right?

Critics of the Affordable Care Act rollout say its technology problems are overwhelming. Defenders point to the states, where the health insurance marketplaces seem to be working.

Is Healthcare.gov Turning the Corner? Not So Fast

Beyond problems consumers have had logging in to the new federal insurance marketplace website, insurers report major problems with the back-end system for actually enrolling people.

Here’s Why Healthcare.gov Broke Down

Federal officials have pointed to overwhelming demand to explain the site's problems. But web developers, other experts and journalists have uncovered more fundamental issues with the design and functioning of the site.

Health Care Sign-Ups: This Is What Transparency Looks Like

How many people have enrolled in health plans using the new federal exchange? Er, nobody seems to have a clue.

How the Feds Could Fix Their Glitchy Health Care Exchange

It’s simple: Make the enrollment software work like Medicare Part D.

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