Sex and Gender

ProPublica's Nina Martin reporting on American systems and institutions — from schools to hospitals to prisons — that fail or mistreat people on the basis of their gender or sexuality.

ProPublica's Nina Martin reporting on American systems and institutions that fail or mistreat people on the basis of their gender or sexuality.

Behind the Supreme Court’s Abortion Decision, More Than a Decade of Privately Funded Research

Research funded by the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation and others not only helped spur the nation’s top court to strike down key parts of a Texas abortion law, but also has fueled a string of other changes making abortion more accessible.

Game Changer: The Best Analysis of the Supreme Court’s Abortion Decision

After the court hands a sweeping victory to abortion rights advocates, there was a torrent of analysis on what it means and what comes next.

In Texas Decision, Supreme Court Delivers Sweeping Win for Abortion Rights

The ruling is expected to have a monumental ripple effect, invalidating strict clinic laws in about half the states.

Why North Carolina’s New Anti-LGBT Law is a Trojan Horse

It’s not just bathrooms. Lawmakers also took away the right to sue under state law for all kinds of employment discrimination.

What’s at Stake in the Latest Supreme Court Showdown Over Contraception and Religious Freedom

In oral arguments Wednesday, religious groups contend that just signing a form to facilitate access to birth control violates their rights.

Our Updated Reading List for the Supreme Court’s Texas Abortion Case

The justices will decide whether the state’s restrictions on clinics and abortion doctors go too far.

The Most Important Abortion Case You Never Heard About

How we got to this week’s abortion showdown — and how Justice Scalia’s views could help shape the outcome.

A Showdown Year for Reproductive Rights

Two potentially sweeping Supreme Court cases set the stage for a seismic shift in the battle over abortion and contraception.

Alabama Considers a Step Back From Prosecuting Pregnant Drug Users

A task force studying ways to fix the state’s broken health care system takes aim at a law that criminalizes prenatal drug use.

How States Handle Drug Use During Pregnancy

Across the country, hundreds of pregnant women and new mothers have been accused of child abuse or other crimes when they or their newborns tested positive for controlled substances. Laws on drug testing of infants and new mothers vary, but the stakes are always high. Here is a survey of state laws.

How Some Alabama Hospitals Quietly Drug Test New Mothers — Without Their Consent

As hundreds of Alabama women face child endangerment charges, hospitals are mostly mum on their testing policies – even with the patients.

Alabama's Meth Lab Law, Abortion Rights and the Strange Case of Jane Doe

After a woman is jailed for exposing her fetus to drugs, county officials refuse to release her for an abortion and ask a judge to strip her of parental rights.

7 Reproductive Rights Issues to Watch in 2015

Changes for abortion, contraception and more top the agenda with Republicans in the majority in Congress and many state legislatures.

Judge Throws Out Murder Charge in Mississippi Fetal Harm Case

The ruling means that the woman whose drug use had her facing a possible life term can at most be charged with manslaughter in the death of her stillborn daughter.

In Healthcare Suit Against Catholic Bishops, the Specter of an Early Defeat

The ACLU’s case against the U.S. Bishops Conference – heralded by some as a bold legal stroke – could be thwarted on procedural grounds.

A Stillborn Child, A Charge of Murder and the Disputed Case Law on 'Fetal Harm'

Rennie Gibbs, a 16 year old in Mississippi when she gave birth to a stillborn child, is facing life in prison for taking cocaine during her pregnancy. Hers is among a burgeoning number of cases in which women are prosecuted for allegedly endangering their unborn children.

Sex, Gender, and the Familiar Fight Over Religious Exemptions

Nina Martin talks with a leading expert on the historic tension between civil rights and religious freedom.

Amid Abortion Debate, the Pursuit of Science

As the long, angry fight over abortion roars on, Tracy Weitz, a researcher in California, has quietly worked to gather reliable facts about the procedure and the women who choose to have it. A ProPublica Q & A.

The Growth of Catholic Hospitals, By the Numbers

A new report details the rapid growth of Catholic health care networks, and the questions and concerns that have attended it.

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